A Better Way of Life

Flash Announcement ⭐ I’m attending AAAI 2024 on February 21 - February 25, 2024 and will present our work SwitchTab: Switched Autoencoders Are Effective Tabular Learners at poster session on February 24, 2024 The poster is here

🎓 About Me

I am a seasoned data scientist and researcher with extensive experience in AI/ML/Stats as well as domain expertise in e-commerce fraud/abuse detection and healthcare

I received my Ph.D. from University of South Florida, guided by Dr. Mingyang Li.

🔍 Research Interests

My research is primarily in the fields of machine learning, representation learning and interdisciplinary applications in healthcare data analytics and reliability engineering.

📰 News & Updates

  • Jan 2024:

    • Our paper, “SwitchTab: Switched Autoencoders Are Effective Tabular Learners” has been accepted at AAAI.
  • Oct 2023:

    • Our paper, “ReConTab: Regularized Contrastive Representation Learning for Tabular Data” has been accepted at NeurIPS workshop.